if you haven’t checked out the debacle caused by a clueless NED executive trying to convince Grayzone her organization isn’t a CIA cutout and just having circles run around her for an hour, you should:
The Grayzone debates National Endowment for Democracy VP on group’s CIA ties
followup on the disaster it caused inside the NED:
This really is an amazing couple of articles, highly recommended to all the news heads here. The contradiction and shitfighting between neocon imperialism and woke imperialism is just great to see
I read through the entire tranche of leaked emails and it was a wild ride. It’s amazing how consistent the style of argumentation is inside the blob: anti-imperialist allegations are never addressed directly, they are simply characterized as wild-eyed and ridiculous and there is no engagement with the facts. a big part of the vibe is “they say we’re evil, but we’re good, so they must be crazy!”
victory, a new land
“Nuland was U.S. ambassador to NATO during President George W. Bush’s second term, 2005-2008. She served as Special Envoy and chief negotiator on the Treaty on Conventional Arms Control in Europe from 2010-2011, and as Deputy National Security Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney from 2003-2005.”
We’re happy to welcome this advisor to all the war criminals and mass murderers to our organization that is totally all about freedom and democracy.
This is bad. I thought she retired from doing evil