Difference of 5 million
Obviously this is the left’s fault!
Had a lib (of course with an Israel flag in their handle) legitimately tell me that Leftists successfully convinced millions not to vote over on Lemmy.world yesterday.
Damn, if we held so much power the dems should have done more to court our influence! Too bad they love genocide more than they want to win.
Literally what I told them, either Leftists didn’t make a difference and Harris floundered on her own, or Leftists made a huge difference and Harris intentionally rejected them, failing.
we sneaky leftists tricked the democrat leadership into tacking to the right wing, thereby making it easy to disillusion and dissolve their bloc.
those smol bean millionaire consultants and party bosses walked right into our trap!
The ones that didn’t vote are mostly disenfranchised life long Dems and Repubs, I fucking promise.
We have the power to convince people not to vote, but not to get them to vote for our candidate, apparently.
That shit really makes my blood boil. I work tirelessly at Langley to prevent that exact thing from happening! If a leftist is posting too good then I report them to get injected with cringe takes and nanobots. You think I’m just twiddling my thumbs if someone starts rocking the boat??? Sincerely, fuck you!
I have a bunch of coworkers who love using .world too! They sort of look at me funny because I have to monitor “that website where the pig shits itself.” But .world and Langley are literally on the same side so it’s extra hurtful when they belittle my job like that. It feels like a betrayal, honestly…
Leftists successfully convinced millions not to vote
and I’ll do it again
How the Israeli flag is not immediately subconsciously synonymous with disinformation for everyone at this point is beyond me.
If anything the people making fun of third party votes were probably far more successful at suppressing voter turnout.
the schrodinger leftist who is simultaneously weak and pathetic, but also has the power to swing entire big country elections
It sometimes surprises even me how much more sense the world makes after reading theory. Like, of course the liberal with a fascist flag in their handle is using fascist rhetoric, “the enemy is both weak and strong.” Marx and Lenin are vindicated every fucking day that passes.
Australian news just blamed Latin Americans for Trump’s win.
Lmao you can’t make this shit up. Doesn’t take much to get crackers doing racist shit.
Everything I hear about Australia makes it seem like they’re desperately trying to let everyone know how reprehensible the ruling class there is
The ruling class (emboldened since Trump. Not the other day, the first time) is ramping up division to try and win elections because it really works on barely engaged proles.
They’re hiring ad companies to throw anti labour ads on Facebook (which Australian millennials still use for some reason). Those ads weren’t even true, Labor is no way that based, and they disguised them as shitposts instead of sponsored political attack ads.
Luckily the (relative) lack of Christian nationalists compared to the US means there’s a much weaker Evangelical base.
It’s funny because they keep lumping Latine people into this big ball like they don’t grasp that Latin America isn’t a monolith
A Columbian isn’t the same as an Argentinian isn’t the same as a Dominican
The social stratum of these countries is just a complex and varied as any other nation
But nope, “y’all speak Spanish, so y’all the same”
I like how white people get a pass because everybody knee they’d do this.
57% of male Latinos went for Trump l, something like 75% of white males did.
Obviously it’s the Latinos fault.
Oh and white women voted for Trump for a third straight election make sure to keep that in mind if another pussy hat protest pops up.
If all these ‘leftists’ could just shutup about the ongoing genocide, then Harris might have won. Dick Cheney is better than these jokers.
If Harris gave a shit about the American people and put her money where her mouth is, she would have won. The Democrats are feeble and weak, and now they’re paying the price for it.
Weak and feeble? Or actively aiding and abetting fascism? At some point the American electorate has to admit to themselves the Democrats are complicit.
Dems can get the entire party to coalesce around a unified message overnight and kill a campaign in a week.
As long as its a progressive.
It’s just a matter of their priorities.
They could have wiped the floor with Trump but that would have required them to advocate for progressive policies and they’d rather lose while having brunch with the Cheyneys and Branston of the world.
Hey is it a democracy if I am forced to vote for a party I don’t like?
Just checking.
The more you don’t like it, the more democratic it is. If no one at all likes it, then that’s democracy.
Quick guys what’s 69 million plus 650k?? It’s more than 74 million right???