Which will work until Project 2025 recodifiesremoved as a property crime against a woman’s male guardian.
A “women are property” sign showed up in Texas, complete with a reference to old Jewish law via Romans.
In Sunday school I learned that when Jesus arrived it was now his way not the Old Testament way. And yet. Lewis Black has a whole stand up bit regarding his utter confusion at Christians wanting to tap into his god, who he describes as “a real son of a bitch”.
In the context of what is about to happen in America, it makes complete sense. It’s a cherry picked excuse to treat us as prized livestock.
Legacy is a commodity. I would argue it’s the ultimate commodity. And men don’t have choice there unless it’s given to them by a women. Or an abortion ban, whereinremoveds now get to choose. Put the pieces together and legacy, in conjunction with traditional male roles attached to that will be sitting in the center.
God damnit the dating scene is already brutal enough. Dating apps are crap. I’m seeing a ton of friends going 4b. And the worst thing (from a dating perspective) is that they are right.
Fuck you Republicans. I hope all your sex dolls pop.
Republicans: we want pure women
Republicans: No wait not like that