yeah, i never understood the “evil globalists want to control the world” conspiracy, like even on their own videos they acknowledge that the globalist already control the world, why would they need more control, its not like trump and the EU have given their citizens more power over their lives
I guess basically, covid fucked shit up and they know capitalism is in decay (furthered by covid), so the whole thing is just trying to save capitalism.
Google be like "Did you mean Richard Spencer? "
Be aware how Youtube ads work. If you skip them before the 30 second mark, the advertiser doesn’t pay. If you come across alt-right ads, the best you can do is let it run in a muted tab and maybe even click on it. Companies have a daily budget and as soon as it’s used, their ads will not be shown.
They are one bit of information away from understanding what you like.
nothing to see here 👀