All I’ve got saved is an article talking about how Obama made the calls. I’m looking for the other stuff like shutting down polls in Texas and Biden telling people to vote in Wisconsin despite the plague.
Can I see the link about Obama making the calls? I’ve made that claim several times but no liberals have ever challenged me on it. Everyone seems to pretty much assume that he did this.
Joe Biden Lied in Last Night’s Debate — Italy’s Public Health Care Is Saving It From Collapse
TV Hosts Fail To Ask Joe Biden Questions About Sexual Assault Allegation
Bernie Sanders admits he’s ‘not getting young people to vote like I wanted’ - the media also blamed Bernie not blowing people away on young voters despite them coming out harder in many places than they did in 2016. It’s just the boomers came out even more to tell us to fuck off.
Not entirely what you’re looking for but a kind of a grab bag of fuckery.
I mean they just straight up changed the vote counts
I was floored that this happened in Iowa and literally nobody outside of Bernie supporters gave a shit. People kept arguing it was just a mistake like that would even matter if it were true. Our “democracy” is so poorly built that thousands of votes get shifted onto the wrong candidates, and they’re not calling for a complete and total redo of the election?
In 2016 we didn’t even have the vote tallies from Iowa, imagine how much of this shit happened last time. After Iowa 2020, I believe Bernie in all likelihood actually won Iowa 2016. That would have probably won him the primary.
I expect nothing from liberals, and yet still get continuously disappointed by them.
Pretty sure they’re still counting the votes in Iowa.
[laughs in Shadow, Inc.]
RTA: i’m sure you could find a masterpost of shit on reddit, but the answer is: everywhere, at every opportunity. they destroyed their credibility and party institutions to stop Bernie at any cost, and if you were paying attention it was blatant.
I’ve looked for a master list and didn’t find one. Of course it’s obvious they did it, but I need an overwhelming amount of things that aren’t just observations and posts.
go to r/WayOfTheBern and look at the sidebar under “Election Integrity - What Rigging Looks Like”, there are like 10 links
hmm maybe that’s the problem you’re on mobile and can’t see the sidebar? I’ll copy the first link