comrades, the Protracted People’s War against the liberal hive and haven for bigoted chasers that is has succeeded! blahaj has fallen! or at least fallen off.
really tho, i just checked in on their site to see how its been since defederating. that was only 3 days ago btw! it feels like its been a week lol. their daily user count has fallen by over 1/6th since defed. and while this could be attributed to less traffic during the work week, the posting situation there is abysmal. in the past 24 hours, 78% of the posts came from c/196, making it difficult to tell that their instance is a dedicated queer space. and while they have gained ~30 users since defederation, we have gained over 200! its pretty much just 196 at this point.
while its sad to see a queer space fail, i suspect its for the best. i hope all the anti-capitalists there find their way here, as many already have. especially the trans folk there, its genuinely sad that they feel like they have to accept chasers in their space in order to have a community that accepts them. that is the difference between liberal tolerance and socialist liberation— tolerance allows for objectification and marginalization, while liberation demands dignity and equality. may all the blahaj gender diverse who oppose capitalism find their way to c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns!!!
stuff like this are the best “dunks” the 196 reactionaries can manage:
this meme is weak and displays their ignorance. you cant have a conversation with ppl like the OP. they will just bombard you with thought-terminating cliches. gulag gulag! Uyghurs! hologramodor! no food! purges! NKVD KGB Stasi! free Tibet so they can have their wholesome slaves again! Taiwan is a legitimate state!
countless hexbears would be willing and even enthusiastic to have a good faith, respectful, nuanced discussion about these topics with them. but they dont want that. they want to roll in their own shit like a pig with massive balls. the good ones will find us, or other socialist spaces. but for such a small instance, there are too many scratched and soon-to-be scratched liberals for us to do any good with federation.
evil authoritarian tankie redfash cuba: most progressive family code on earth
wholesome nato democracy defender poland: lgbt-free zones
Polska A, Polska B moment. The southeast is hell for queer people. Podkarpacie is our little Florida.
there are so many poles in the prague queer scene, im just glad they got out czechia isnt the best place for lgbt people but it isnt too bad
The most western parts of Poland are those which are most accepting of queer folk. And Warsaw too maybe. But it’s very nice to hear that things are going rather well in Prague.
EDIT: Here is your Poland primer from a liberal perspective. I’d say 80% correct.
It was the NATO puppet West Germany, who reimprisoned 100,000 gay holocaust survivors. Not the Soviet Union.
EDIT: Yes, I like history: !
And they, who had already divested themselves of their white capes, astonished us with their beards, their mustaches. The Red Star stood out on their fur hats. And there were female soldiers, similar to the male soldiers, armed as they were, and driving mules hitched to sleds. They surrounded us, as surprised as we were. And already we were “tovarish” (comrades).
… For two days I took advantage of the sunshine to go and wash in the snow. I was rather weak, but how can I describe my joy that once again I was free, that once again I could walk without holding myself at attention among the Blocks. That it was good to sit myself down on one of the benches on the perimeter. This was the first time that something like this had happened to me, and in the observation towers it was Soviets who were standing guard."
rent free
to be fair, i dont think they post abt us much anymore so perhaps its them living rent free in my head. the whole thing made me pretty angry tbh. they couldnt even cut off chasers for the sake of queer unity!!
hey its me i came here because of the blahaj defed
welcome home comrade
there are many such cases. a bunch of blahaj users were saying that after defed a bunch of LGBTQ hexbear users would jump ship in favor of blahaj. unsurprisingly, the opposite has happened
I for one would like to move from the site where people post to the site where there are no posts
I like made an account there so I could continue to post in both and then immediately had chasers being weird at me so stopped posting there within like 12 hours of creating the account