Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Ugh, just remembered due to schedule changes the person I am relieving tonight is someone who I dislike immensely, think I’ll forgo my strict punctuality and relieve them last minute. I hate to be rude, but with a week like the one I’ve had so far I couldn’t bare having to listen to her crap for more than a minute.
So, we’re beating /r/melbourne and this is a waste of a post. So I’m going to recommend a youtube channel called Techmoan. https://www.youtube.com/@Techmoan
Here is my dinner for tonight.
Tub of creamy tomato pasta salad with Parma and chorizo and a side serving of discount potato salad.
Nothing fancy, deeply discounted and wanted to be a little bit adventurous as I’ve never tried the creamy tomato pasta salad before.
photo of pasta and potato salad
If in the discount section, good value. I managed to get a potat salad one for 70c on Sunday evening. It’s really quite not bad.
Hmm. Tonight feels warm. Might have to switch to summer doona.
11c right now. Low of 8c in the early hours of the morning.
If that helps any
See I don’t think 8 degrees is particularly cold especially when the winds are light.
Alright, I’m definitely coming down,
With whatever is going around.
I feel my body getting weaker,
Thick brain fog rolling in.
My outlook’s getting bleaker,
Tired tunnels beneath my skin.
Dinner is pita bread pizza,
My rhymes are becoming slim.
Blah blah blah blah blah,
Blah blah blah blah blim.