ban all cars except race cars which are cool and fun
If you wouldn’t have to numb your head because you live in a hellworld, you prolly would find something better than race cars. Seriously, how can blowing carbon in the atmosphere still be considered a sport?
I love car enthusiast culture and car history; I have strong opinions on design and philosophy and can fix most things on my car. But if all cars were banned tomorrow, I’d be okay with it
Yeah, seemed like a dumb movie. Like why do they talk, do they have souls or brains? What mechanical part is that housed in? Are they still the same being if that part is placed into a different body? How many car parts can you replace before its a different being or different car or does that distinction matter? Too many questions. Fuck cars.
Train post: UNION PACIFIC BIG BOY - one of the largest steam locomotives ever built, it produced almost six times more torque than a 737 does at max thrust. UP tried to refit one to burn oil, which is only the second goofiest fuel method they tried that I know about.
.srac kcuF