Why do so many companies and people say that your password has to be so long and complicated, just to have restrictions?
I am in the process of changing some passwords (I have peen pwnd and it’s the password I use for use-less-er sites) and suddenly they say “password may contain a maximum of 15 characters“… I mean, 15 is long but it’s nothing for a password manager.
And then there’s the problem with special characters like äàáâæãåā ñ ī o ė ß ÿ ç just to name a few, or some even won’t let you type a [space] in them. Why is that? Is it bad programming? Or just a symptom of copy-pasta?
Yes its bad programing. These restrictions suggest that the company is either doing improper storage and processing, or does not understand how to deal with passwords.
The proper password storage is a hash. This is a cryptographic function that is easy to do and imbossible to undo. The hash function operates on the underlying binary representation of your password, and doesn’t card what letters or symbols are in it. A program should take your password, hash it, and compare the result to the hash they have in their detebase.
The current recomended hash algorythm is called ‘bcrypt’. Depending on the implementation, the input is between 50 and 70 bytes (the spec was a little unclear so people defined the inputs diferently, but the algorithe is the same). This means a password should be able to take at least 50 normal keyboard characters, including letters, symbols, and spaces. Anything less than that indicates a poor practice on behalf of the website.
(a lot of this is simplified. There is some variation and nuance that I don’t think affects the main idea)
Every time I find a site like this, I assume the programming is bad and the security is poor. (They don’t know how to sanitize input? They don’t know how to hash passwords?) It’s a good reason to use random passwords on every site for when that one is compromised.
The new NIST guidance is to have something long. Special characters don’t matter. So a good passphrase that you can remember > short line noise. NIST also recommends against constant password rotation, but to instead audit for dictionary attacks. See also: https://www.netsec.news/summary-of-the-nist-password-recommendations-for-2021/
Yes, it is bad programming. Of course, on the backend you must never store passwords in the clear. You should never grow your own hashing algorithm.
Non-ASCII characters can cause troubles because of different encodings and because you may need to type them on a machine where corresponding keyboard layout is missing.
The password length limit is nothing short of stupid.
Likely more bad design than bad programming, but that’s not a very meaningful distinction.
It’s downright scary how many “professionals” are onboard with this shit.