This picture is slightly unsettling, it has a very alien quality about it. Awesome shit.
it looks like a scary deep sea fish
Not really sure what I’m looking at, but cool regardless!
The brain is up top, and the descending bits are equivalent to the spinal cord of the fly. Blue and yellow are two types of neurons that I care about, each expressing a different genetically-encoded fluorescent protein!
That is confirmed 100% cool and also pretty disgusting looking. How did you take the picture? A visible light camera with a really big lens?
Thank you! It’s really gross to dissect them, too, haha… It’s very tiny (this picture is 400 um x 1100 um) so you have to use a microsope. This is a really cool microscope because instead of taking the picture at once, it actually scans over the sample with a laser in 3D and collects the light from each point, took about an hour for this sample (it’s called confocal microscopy if you want to google it).
This is sooo cool
I wanna see more tiny brains