You’ll own nothing
Someone will
Instead of private property they’re abolishing personal property while boosting private property rights. This world is hell
Appropriately enough, this guy looks like he’s about one missed deadline at work away from throwing himself off the bridge but has to smile so that his workplace’s smartlock face scanner opens the front door.
Please and unironically, if you are at this point, consider who put you there and do something about it. Getting angry is an option.
I am OK myself but that’s very good advice in general. Apologies as on reflection my post was probably in rather bad taste. Probably a better way to word the weird disconnect here.
Full communism by 2030 confirmed baby
After reading the comments, I have come to this conclusion.
Dumb dumb conservatives: “Marxism is when the capitalist class owns everything; and the more of everything they own, the more marxist it is.”
These people are looking at the conclusion of the system they worship, they recoil in disgust, they howl at the injustice if it; and they don’t even realize it.