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I’m a centrist, anarchists and ML:s both have good ideas
The other day someone tried to call me out for having a Marx PFP and an AnCom flag banner for my account and I basically said the same thing.
Well what I actually said was “ML in the streets and AnCom in the sheets” which I probably think is way funnier than it actually is. I just didn’t want to get into theory with them because their comments were all mostly bad faith in that thread.
I honestly don’t even care for the exact label and usually try to choose the one that pisses off the other person the most
maybe later kiddo
Some of these dudes can be salvaged, having grown up and lived around them my whole life. Smoke a bowl, drop some historical fact that’s simple but mind-blowing for joeroganites. A fun one is talking about the reality of historical Sparta, e.g. the helots at Thermopylae, compared to popular depiction. If you do it right they’ll come back to you for more wild historical stuff and then you hit 'em with them the leftie jab.
I don’t call them salvageable, but most don’t have the fortitude to carry out any sort of retaliation of adventurism. They’ll always carry on their flippant ways talking shit about society progressing then claiming they too struggle with the inherent cruelty around them after they had a few beers.
“We need to, like, unite and resist the elites.”
Yeah man, we have to gas those fucking jews controlling our government and corporations! :frothing-fash: