Is not working for you? AernaLingus’s comment has the CBS news link.
Not that this type of action is going to be taken or anything, but measures should be taken to protect kids from the virus. We are in an ongoing pandemic that will last longer than any of us will. The ways schools function currently is terrible for transmission of disease. Large class sizes, cramped classes, hallways and passing times where everyone is packed into halls together, poor ventilation etc., make schools horrible when it comes to airborne disease. Kids deserve better!
And, we should have a functioning society that can adjust when problems come up, and, gasp anticipate problems and spend money and resources to prevent them before they occur, instead of sending every last cent to our capitalist overlords. If we lived in a remotely sane society, we could adjust how we do things to protect our kids from the plague. We as a society should be making and implementing plans for how to protect our children, like having smaller class sizes, bringing back masking and online school, testing and quarantining protocols, updated tests, and expanded support resources for kids.
It’s insane that what is happening instead is that kids are being ushered back into high risk environments, year after year, to get killed by the plague, given long-term severe health consequences, and experience the trauma of their friends dying of disease and to get used to the idea that being forced into situations of great and avoidable risk is normal and unavoidable.
The capitalist class, however, has decided that schools are to be cheap babysitting and indoctrination facilities. And the capitalists don’t care if the working class and the children die. They’ve invested in hospitals and the medical systems, and healthcare costs so much that they can strip the wealth from anyone who gets sick. And when the people die, the capitalists don’t care either- they can replace them with the new people they’ve forced into existence by banning abortion.
Edited to break up text for readability.
I like your comment but I have a suggestion. When I mention this issue at reddit - redditors often get mad and shit on me but I’m right. Smaller paragraphs are much easier to read. I try to stay under ~420 characters. Sometimes I write comments in my text editor. And two lines of text are ~420. And when I edit somebody else’s comment to make smaller paragraphs I use the ~420 number too.
It annoys me when I try to read a New Yorker (etc) article and the editor must think that longer paragraphs have gravitas if the paragraphs are insanely too long. I can’t read a ~4,000 word article where every damn paragraph is 10+ times as long as it should be.
I’m not a programmer but I did figure out a PC workaround. I copy the article as text, make it into smaller paragraphs by hand which is incredibly annoying, and then I can easily convert the “just text” into a html page on my PC so I can read the fucking thing. I’ll check out the links, photos, vid - on the original webpage.
Makes sense school is starting in some places just post summer vacations. I would guess that it’s like this for every school year with any virus, its just that COVID is so much more impactful and dangerous to kids than the cold is
It’s really coming back around. The hospital I work at is reconsidering masking.
I switched to peds and they insisted on getting us oriented by the end of August for basically this, although none of the other nurses are wearing masks so I guess you gotta mandate that for some reason
Makes sense school is starting in some places just post summer vacations.
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It’s just the flu
Probably the second or third time for some of these kids, and for those who were already at-risk, this is the consequence of our failed, murderous policies
the sous chef I was training with’s daughter got covid, then he got it from her