You missed the best line:
However, please keep this in mind - that being a Nazi sympathizer does not automatically invalidate one’s opinions on other topics.
"Um, ackshually, that’s an ad hominem "
It’s particularly interesting that someone concerned enough with logical fallacies to complain of ad hominem attacks can have “[he may be a Nazi sympathizer but let’s listen to what else he has to say]” happily coexist with “[Some Hexbears say mean things so no one should listen to anything else that any of them have to say]”.
However, please keep this in mind - that being a Nazi sympathizer does not automatically invalidate one’s opinions on other topics.
I’m not taking Nazi’s opinions seriously on their own. if a Nazi says two plus two is four, and two plus two is four, then two plus two is four. If a Nazi claims white people are being genocided, and literally no one backs that up besides people adjacent to them and people sourcing them, then it’s obviously unhinged and not worth taking seriously.
If a Nazi says something, there better be a non-Nazi also saying it if there’s even a chance of it being a valid opinion. If it’s just the Nazi, then it’s a silly letter and I won’t print it or reply to it in any form of good-faith.
No it doesn’t “invalidate them” per se, but you’ve demonstrated very poor judgement in one area (which is an understatement) and I’m not going to use my spoons trying to critically evaluate what you’re saying, nor waste my time trying to reach someone so far gone. Not when there are better sources.
Love to catalogue and publish a list of all the times I got owned
What’s with people calling insults “ad hominem attacks”?
Maybe try not being a disingenuous condescending western imperialist nazi apologist?
Really says it all by the focus on “winning”. Doesn’t even care what is right or using different viewpoints to get to the truth of a matter. That’s explicitly engaging in bad faith.
Lmao imagine admitting the being this owned