Funny thing is communists DONT year for violent revolution, they yearn for a more egalitarian society, but fucking capitalists just murder them for even wanting it.
People use the means which are left to them
Also America was founded on violent revolution
…and genocide
Not to mention the other liberal poster child: France. Violent revolution, mass murder, dictatorship world war. That just went fucking peachy.
It’s not that I WANT it to be violent
It’s almost like any attempts to change the status quo through “legitimate channels” get’s met with right wing violence.
Anyone who accepts the violent status quo is garbage
Guess one has to be privileged enough not to experience violence and keep the opression alive instead of guiottening the 1%. Breadtubers be crazy.
Exactly, they claim they want revolution so it must be the violence they are against and that is because they have the privilege not to be subjected to the violence of the state or the threat of it on a constant basis.
Patiently waiting for the American bourgeoisie to peacefully eradicate themselves and yelling at anyone who goes near them.
Honestly even by time standards her videos are boring af (I don’t watch youtube videos over 5 min so maybe that’s just me)