Tritium is a red herring strontium and carbon-14 are in this shit
This filtration method is not verified by the same testing as other projects releasing diluted tritium water. Those comparisons are inaccurate as this is a contamination cleanup site, not a nuclear power plant. Water was directly in contact with the molten core it’s all nasty now 😓
Can you please provide some source for the strontium and carbon-14? I want to do more reading about this. Besides the IAEA report, most testaments come from physicists, who are not marine biologist or ecologists.
I’m of the opinion that we shouldn’t generally dump stuff into the ocean, it is not ours to touch, but instead home to a different world of vastly many species we don’t know of. I think they are monitoring marine species over time, but I feel like this whole thing is misguided anthropocentrism and if in 2 or 3 decades, there is deviation to marine ecosystems, this whole ordeal was not worth it.
IAEA is also a complete Western tool like almost all other international organizations
Again really weird how so many people chose to trust them here
Thank you, the verification results that Japan has released has a ton of holes in them. They won’t let people verify all the processing and filtering that they’ve done with the wastewater
Weird how so many chose to easily believe the mainstream narrative on this issue
To be honest, no matter what reports are released about it, I will struggle to believe it’s safe, on multiple levels.
- I agree the tritium thing is just one number, and the contamination of this water will be very varied. Tritium and radioactivity are two metrics, and it probably takes at least 100 metrics seriously and publicly analyzed to meaningfully have ideas about its safety.
- Even then, the people in charge of this testing have very vested interests in claiming it’s totally okay no problems, so there’s a good possibility they just lie.
- Even with the best of intentions and analysis of many variables, nuclear reactions are complex and nobody can be sure what contaminants are there or not; There’s always a bit of room for doubt unless we check every possible thing ever.