Hey y’all!
I’ve been using Authy for some time now (switched from Google Authenticator) but an increasing amount of people is suggesting Aegis over Authy in some posts here at Lemmy and that got me curious.
Was wondering what would be the main selling points for one to use Aegis instead of Authy, can somebody help out?
Thanks in advance!
The main point is that Authy is a company that hosts your data on their cloud and you can’t know what they do with it. Aegis is local, but has the ability to create scheduled backups, which then you can sync to your own server or just copy it in different locations for safety.
Aegis may import and export seed with easy. I switch from Authy to Aegis just for this. It also have automatic backups. Authy only selling point was the sync function and maybe the bad desktop app. Now I had a double backup, the native function, and a synced keepassxc file with all the Aegis OTP exported for desktop use. KeepassXC support OTP export with QR so I can create there and export to Aegis if I want. Best solution ever.
what works for others doesn’t have to work for you, they suggest aegis because its open source and authy is not, on the other hand authy is multi-platoform and has builtin synchronization between devices, so there’s the thing: you can rely on third party for backup in authy or back it up manually but where? some third party again? for me personally moving to aegis just because it’s open source is a bit of a PITA, and minus being open-source, aegis is inferior IMO, no multi-platform sync, you don’t have to take out your distraction device to input an OTP, there’s a standalone PC app or browser addons
I moved my TOTP’s from Authy to Bitwarden, where you can have access to your seeds and export if you want. But I believe this requires paying the $10 per year for Bitwarden premium (which I already had).