Low 30s °C can either be okay or absolutely horribly hot depending on stuff like humidity, cloud coverage and wind.
7 points
14 points
Here’s celcius
0° - freezes
100° - boils
10° - freezes
30° - boils
Why can’t I be more like water?
18 points
European here! For me it’s…
0 = Water freezes
100 = Water boils
Fahrenheit as far as I can tell:
~100 = Hot enough that it shows up on the news
~400-450 = Cooking, because our stove is in Fahrenheit for some unknown reason.
All other temperatures in F = no idea.
4 points
1 point
2 points
Wait euro ovens are in Fahrenheit as well? I just thought it was our identity crisis measurements in Canada.
1 point
1 point
1 point