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You were going to address the issue of my being hacked, my banning, and my redemption and vindication. I know I’ve written a post about it in !, but I don’t know how visible that is. I’m also being downvoted a lot in a way that seems targeted.
I’m proud as fuck of myself for pulling a bunch of giant fallen branches up the hillside where my friends camp, this evening.
Ironically the guy who first got me into hard drugs is helping me get healthy. He makes dinner for me and makes me eat. He’s like a douchey older brother. He makes fun of me and then gives me a sleeping bag to use while I spend the night.
(He’s unhoused, I should note.)
Should I take acid tomorrow?
I’m starting to think that Trump is the lesser evil. Biden’s crime bill and Harris fighting to keep prisoners in for-profit prisons for their labor mean they’re essentially ruining on a pro-slavery ticket, but any criticism of that will be dismissed because they’re democrats. They may or may not commit fewer atrocities than Trump, but any bad thing they do will be immune to criticism because they’re democrats.
Neither is ever going to actually be pushed left, but hypothetically it would be easier to push Trump. Neither will ever support most good things, but there’s a nonzero chance Trump could be convinced to support UBI if you appeal to his ego and put his face on the checks and require banks to tell people “Happy Trump Day!” when they’re cashed.
I like how these threads are like a community newsletter.
I took an ibuprofen on an empty stomach and fuck.
Ironically, the person who’s helping me stay away from drugs is the guy who first got me into it. He’s this guy I met working at my store. I bought him a pack of cigs when I got my Trump check or my tax return, and he was like, literally, “You want some drugs.”
He’s like my best friend. He’s like a really douchey older brother. And whenever I hang out with him or run errands for him I don’t need to use.
The last few days I haven’t been using as much. I think?