The state of mental health in the US is hitting a tipping point.
Suicide attempts involving guns end in death far more often than those with other means, and gun sales have boomed — placing firearms in more and more homes.
This is why I’ll never own a gun for self protection, even though I live in a dangerous city. I have a mental health condition. I have learned how to manage it. I am in treatment. But I can’t say with certainty that it won’t get on top of me again and I already tried once with pills when it was out of control. Had I a gun at that time, I wouldn’t be typing this.
Yeah, I’m in this picture - attempted back in December. In order for me to regain hope I had to focus on the goal of leaving the US and moving to China.
For what it’s worth, I’m very glad you’re still here. I hope to move to China eventually as well, with my family and some loved ones. We can keep in touch and meet up.
What are some resources you could recommend on learning Hanzi? If you’ve been learning the language I mean
Still I am not able to understand how can Americans be okay with giving $100 billion to ukraine and MIC. It’s a sick society, working class people are in misery and top layers are full of deranged warmongering zealots
The war machine has grown so huge and corrupt that the entire value they extract from the rest of the world goes directly to the military so they can keep operating. At some point it has to collapse on itself.
It’s more like they’re so comically unaccountable that they can just demand whatever amount of money they want no matter if it’ll be used for military spending. The Pentagon can’t account for most of its assets, literally trillions worth of stuff, and I imagine it’s the same story for the rest of the MIC.
This article is about Australian suicide rates but the main point applies: the determining factor when it comes to suicide is poverty.
Even if that wasn’t the case, the main advertised methods for helping are medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, better diets and exercise, all of which are heavily bounded by one’s financial condition.
People do as they will, but they do so while bound by their social conditions, or something of the sort.
Well that’s exactly it. If you’ve suffered from abuse and trauma but you live in poverty, you won’t be able to afford the resources to manage your mental health. As well as the added weight of homelessness, hunger, debt collectors coming after you, can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Well… this timeline just keeps getting darker.