I know! Check out the berber and georgian scripts too, they’re also very cool
please everyone be aware that the ethiopian government declaring war on a restless ethnic militia movement WILL cause other ethnic militias to get bolder and assume they are next. this could literally end in complete collapse and complete collapse in ethiopia means widespread genocide. there’s a good chance this gets bad in the coming weeks.
I’m not familiar enough with Ethiopian politics, does this have something to do with Eritrea?
it is civil war. tplf is the tigray people’s liberation front the opposition party
I can’t read ethiopian so I don’t know what that tweet says. But the ethiopian government postponed the august elections which pissed off tplf and they held their own local elections in september. there’s also the renaissance dam that has pissed off eritrea and egypt toward tplf. The ethiopian PM won the nobel prize last year or the year before for not fighting eritrea, that’s about all I know but I am guessing that tweet says something like ethiopia and eritrea will fight tplf in the north
The Tigray state borders Eritrea, so it’s likely. Don’t know much about the region myself though.
My Knowledge of Ethiopian history goes like this.
- There was the Queen of Sheba who had a kid with Solomon
- At some point in the 4th century Aksum was one of the first countries to adopt Christianity officially
- Then like a thousand years later or something some guy overthrows the king and claims to be a descendent of the Queen and Solomon’s son and those people rule for a really long time.
- Now we are in the mid 20th century and this guy is emperor for a real long time and he manages to not be conquered by Italy and remain semi-autonomous, but then he gets overthrown by Marxist-Leninist in the 70’s thus ending the “Solomonic Dynasty”.
- The Communist Derg rules for awhile and it’s a cluster fuck and Eritrea wants independence and they collapse like alot of communist governments did in the late 80’s early 90’s.
- Then I am pretty sure there was a super long war between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
I believe so. The Tigray section split from the larger party at the time when Abiy made peace with Eritrea. Eritrea is plurality Tigray (though Eritreans have a civic nationalist identity not based on ethnicity), and unless I’m mistaken the Tigray party is more attached to irredentist claims on Eritrea, and didn’t like backing down from them.
From my brief glean into the history of Ethiopia, they used to be a People’s Democratic Republic and a part of the Communist Bloc in alliance with the other Socialist States around the world. Due to famine and hardships of being a heavily underdeveloped state and due to the PDRE inheriting the financial woes of the old state they overthrew (So they wouldn’t get financially cut off from the world), they basically had a really fucking hard time staying afloat with the assistance they were getting from the other Socialist states - namely the USSR and Cuba.
The TPLF, a former ML group, formed a coalition with the Social-Democrats, and what I presume are right-opportunist socialist parties, and pro western democracy parties, to overthrow the Workers Party of Ethiopia and formed the current government that we know today. As far as I can tell after the fall of the USSR, TPLF completely abandoned their ML roots and were more or less pushed out of the national scene by the other members of the coalition it formed the new government with.
These parties merged together to form the “Prosperity Party” which is a self-touted “Centrist” party - with backing from the Heritage Foundation - and currently rules Ethiopia today.
As far as I see it, this is Karma biting the TPLF in the ass for collaborating with social fascists in overthrowing the People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
This is maybe a little over-sympathetic to the Derg (which were more a semi-socialist military junta) but is otherwise correct.
I’d agree seeing how my bias is based off of the fact that they were recognized by the Socialist states of the world. I’m positive if I took a more close examination to the overall history of Ethiopia I’d have a more nuanced take. That said with hindsite as it is, I’d still probably be biased towards them seeing how the bourgeois of Ethiopia are about to stomp the shit out of their former coalition comrade, the TPLF
The TPLF used to be Marxist-Leninist, no?
Yeah they were, dunno if they still are. One of the reasons I posted was in the hope that someone would know more about the region.
Very very nominally. They were originally Hoxhaist, as their state opponent was a Moscow-aligned Communist regime. They won in 1990 or so and immediately dropped Communism, as was the global trend. They were in power for like 25 years and obviously didn’t govern as socialists during that time.