I got pranked with this website: https://updatefaker.com/
I recently switched from manual labor to office labour and learned the hard way to lock my screen :)
In hindsight it was hilarious, but I waited for maybe 20 minutes before I got suspicious. How can I take revenge?
An old boss of mine would find people who left their computer logged in and would send an email to the department from it saying “I love you all so much!”
I worked in a different office and didn’t realize that’s what was happening. I just thought the Russian guy was happy to be in America.
One day when I was visiting home office I ran into him in the elevator. My lead introduced me to him. I blurted out, “Oh the guy who sends the I love everyone!” emails.
He promptly started swearing and cursing our manager and saying what things he would do to him if he caught him in a dark alley and ranted for the duration of the elevator ride. Then shook my hand and said “Nice to meet you!” and went on with his day.
A very French joke: We used to use their email client and send to the whole team “Hey, I feel generous so tomorrow morning I will bring croissants for everyone. Look forward to it!”
The person would get plenty of “thank you” emails in reply and discover the trick. It was a small office so usually the person would bring the pastries. Yum!