I wish my iq was 20 higher or lower, idk just gimme out of the blue zone
I get what you mean… though, I feel like an IQ test is a biased test, I took one as a teenager and scored high. Which was a morale boost at the time, but a few months later I had medical problems and ended up having a stroke and had to basically start all over with speech, motor and memory.
Sure, I survived. But I went through every therapy, started back up and realized I wasn’t close to what I was before. Which was crushing, sure I knew it wouldn’t be the same and I’m still above average, but the latent memories of my capabilities before constantly haunt me.
I didn’t mean to depress anyone, just enjoy the blue zone if at all possible. I constantly try remembering, it can get worse. /hug
though, I feel like an IQ test is a biased test
IQ as used by worm-brained US citizens daily (that is, to measure intelligence) is pseudoscience
I like the term “twice exceptional”. All of my biggest strengths are aspects of myself that come with tradeoffs. For 20 years straight, I was praised for the strengths and scolded for the tradeoffs. Motherfucker, you can’t enjoy how quickly I learn things I’m interested in and also treat me like I’m lazy when you expect me to sustain equal amounts of interest in 10 different things that bore me and I fail. You can’t enjoy all the art and tech I make and then get annoyed when it’s difficult to break me out of a hyperfixation.
I firmly believe that the tortured artist stereotype is bullshit. There’s nothing about being an artist that requires you to be miserable. But we sure do treat people like shit when their brains work differently.
The later half is so true, early on when you’re a statistical anomaly you can get special treatment, but once you become a small problem or the skill backfires they blow up as if it couldn’t have been seen coming. They expect 100% efficiency like you’re a battery to sap and don’t care how it affects you mentally.
I reject uniform distribution theory and only recognize the graph that looks like a pair of torpedo titties.
The creator of this comic is a self-described pro-sweatshop neoliberal, which explains the “woe is me, I’m too smart for my own good” delusions.
IQ is bullshit. The gifted kids were just the kids that had supportive homelives
This isn’t true at all. IQ isn’t some magical catch-all measure of a person’s intellectual ability, but it’s not entirely total quackery either.
I suspect that academic success would be very strongly correlated with having a supportive home life, but IQ not so much. Maybe the gifted kids you refer to were the academically successful ones and not the high-IQ ones?
They once had me take one of those horoscopes and one part of it was a rorschach test. How is that not quakery.
Another part was to have me write a short text wich fair enough.
fill in mulltiple choise questions that were deliveratly obtuse and ambigous.
The only part that i would expect to corrrelaete with intelligence was when i had to memorize a string of numbers and repeat it after a while. But even then this is an ability you can train.
IQ is bullshit in the sense that as a measurement of cognitive abilities it doesn’t really work, but that doesn’t mean the only factor influencing intelligence is social upbringing either
i mean, say what you will, but i could have the most supportive environment on earth and i’m pretty sure i wouldn’t ever be the second coming of messi (or michael jordan for you gringos), same should go for newton, knorozov or whoever
What’s funny is I got an IQ test in 5th grade and absolutely nothing you listed was in mine
You won’t find any of those things in any reputable IQ test. I’d be surprised if you found them even in a bullshit online test.
Maybe you just had a particularly bad experience and it has given you a false impression of what an IQ test is.
Maybe on average, but you’ve got my ass who was put in the gifted program from 2nd grade on, with a single mom who was working two jobs and thus wasn’t around much, and who couldn’t afford childcare so I had to spend most of my before and after school time with my physically violent and abusive grandmother. Not that being in said program did much good (between the bad home situation and my ADHD, I was constantly in trouble at school), I didn’t even finish my bachelor’s in the end, but there were a few of us “smart” kids with fucked up home lives in there too.