the christian religion is truly barbaric, here we can see that their prophet known as ‘Joseph Smith’ was a known pedophile who had many child-wives.
for real though, id be excited to see this alt universe’s memri tv
Turnout in American elections has always been low, indicative of how entrenched the country’s nepotistic ruling class has simply not listened or offered genuine electoral choice to the general public. On the streets, there is a genuine fear that the current regime may simply declare itself the winner as it did in 2000. Increasingly militarized security forces acting with apparent impunity and boarded up streets have become the norm as protests against extrajudicial executions by security forces flare up across the country on a weekly basis. Far from uniting the country, these elections, dogged by accusations of voter fraud, a “rotten borough” system of gerrymandering and an increasingly opaque and unaccountable electoral college look set to bring with them more anger and more violence in the weeks and months to come.
With the only opposition party in existence still mired in scandal following allegations of vote rigging and corruption in its notoriously nepotistic leadership selection process, there is little hope they can mount an effective legal or electoral challenge or indeed enact any of the reforms needed to give American citizens the quality of life and freedoms so many of us around the world take for granted.
Whilst military intervention is of course the last option that the rest of the world wants to consider, the regime has increased its belligerence to other nations across the globe with xenophobia routinely employed by both parties in an attempt to shore up internal support for the crumbling American regime.
The machinery of “democracy” in America turns ponderously, suspiciously, slowly with international observers noting that this and previous elections have been overshadowed by the very real threat of violence to voters and deliberate attempts to disenfranchise great swathes of the electorate by making voting itself far more difficult than in other countries and by an unequally enforced and draconian legal system that sees the regime hold the unenviable record of a full twenty five percent of the world’s prison population - with many prisoners forced into labour camps where they receive little or no compensation for the work they are forced to do, often in highly dangerous fields such as combatting the gargantuan forest fires that have become commonplace as the regime siphons yet more taxpayer’s money from vital infrastructure and into maintaining its colossal military presence.
One thing that strikes me about reporters who go to the middle east is that they remain incredibly ignorant about the local customs and shit. Like not only do they not speak the language, but even if they have provably spent years there, and done some genuine reporting work, they still don’t like… know anything. I say this as a person who has never been to the middle east, but has lived in a ghetto for a couple of years.
From the Middle East. It’s because most of them live in a parallel society. They only hang out in the social circles of the bourgeoisie. If they have kids they go to foreign schools. When they go out the go to western modeled establishments. They shuttle back and forth between 5 star hotels. They only have foreign friends or their local friends are westernized bourgeoisie or petite bourgeoisie. When a foreign correspondent goes to the middle east they import their entire social environment with them. That’s not the case when they’re in Europe for example.
The cool thing is that he sometimes curses in Arabic and I feel like it’s an in joke between me and him (because you anglos are uneducated and only speak one language).