i know it sounds unbelievable, but here in brazil the same thing happened to bolsonaro
this is referring to the additional votes that he got this time and excluding the ricardo von hausstoffens, obviously
american workers (and minorities are usually the most exploited of them), like brazilians, associate their livelihoods to being able to work and have no trust that the government would ever truly help them pay their bills
trump and bolsonaro’s propaganda tying responsible handling of the pandemic to “shutting down the economy and destroying millions of jobs” is extremely effective
this is especially bad for biden because he admitted he wasn’t even trying to reach latino communities, so i bet all they got was republican propaganda saying biden would shut everything down and they wouldn’t be able to pay their rent
it works and partially explains why bolsonaro’s approval rating actually went up during covid, despite how much he fucked up
and of course it doesn’t help that every time we talk about china and vietnam being successful the fucking libs join the fash saying both are lying commies
Or it could have just been the $1200 from May, minorities are poorer on average, that kind of money matters
i just assumed it wasn’t the case because i saw no significant inflection point in the graphics for that period
but i could be wrong, it’s not like i have the opportunity to talk to many US workers - i’m only comparing the two because both presidents framed the issue very similarly (even regarding hydroxychloroquine), dealt with it very similarly (including the money thing), and workers and small business owners in both countries are highly dependent on a functioning economy, as they have lower savings and fewer (if any) alternative sources of income
This rings true and sounds a lot like what Matt said in his stream yesterday. Politics has degraded to tinkering within the system and there will be no effort to change the system. Like the ACA, politicians can tinker within the employer-based insurance system but never functionally change or abolish it.
So within the system of capital, the worker must work or starve. We cannot pay people to stay home even amidst a pandemic so if you provide an essential service you must risk your life to get that bread. Democrats promised to tighten up covid restrictions so material conditions dictated that workers vote Trump and keep their shitty job or go hungry and die anyway.
yes literal work-will-set-you-free hours.
This is a solid materialist explanation.