I think, without a doubt, Trump cruises to reelection without covid.
He could have had Bush '88 numbers if he shit out a second batch of $1200 funbux
oh yeah for sure
the fact that the dems could only barely win with a fucking act of god on their side should probably be cause for reflection, but they won’t reflect
They’ll still act as if they were right all along by choosing Biden over Sanders, as if they stood a snowball’s chance of hell of winning without the pandemic.
They’ll still act as if they were right all along by choosing Biden over Sanders
They’ll go into 2024 with Kamala Harris as their standard bearer, while screaming “You’re a racist misogynist!” at anyone who questions the call.
Really, though, I’m just excited to see Michael Bloomberg fund the primary against Liz Warren.
Seeing /pol/ cope and seethe has been the highlight of my week.
oh damm, the boomer remover was real
Comorbititties :AyyyyyOC-big: