Woke: recognizing that competent americans do not exist, and that Biden will be replaced by someone even dumber than Trump (but also more fascist)
Competent fascists don’t exist. Historically, fascist governments were absurdly unstable, and inefficient, with only a thin veneer of stability maintained by brutal state violence, and very short sighted governance (Nazi Germany’s economy was a literal ponzi scheme, reliant on conquest loot to stay afloat). This is by nature; Fascism is the panicked reaction of a Bourgeois which has lost faith in the ability of the Liberal state to prevent revolutionary threats to their class’ rule. It is further defined by its use of imperial/colonial means of control at home, against such revolutionary threats. This is not exactly a recipe for a stable society.
Had the forces of international Capital intervened against Fascists with a hundredth of the strength which they use against Communist states, the governments of Pinochet/Hitler/Mussolini would have collapsed within months.
Hungary was a fascist government for 25 years before Soviets liberated them
Franco ruled spain for what…36 years
Salazars fascist government ruled Portugal for 42 years
Most of the eastern bloc was “free” from the soviet union to pursue liberal democracy and 30 years later Hungary and Poland have slipped essentially back to their catholic brand of fascism they were pre ww2
They’re more competant than you think
Yeah, not really sure how Salazar and Franco managed to stay in power for so long, but I do kind of remember that they had radically different economies compared to Nazi Germany and Mussolinis Italy. For the South American dictatorships, they were all kept afloat by a lot of loans by the IMF if I recall correctly.
Ascended: recognizing that the biden administration are the competent fascists