I think this is mostly a US thing. Why use yearly salary? You’re not paid once a year, are you? Most likely once a month. Referencing monthly salary makes much more sense.
“I’m making 50k”. Great, now I have to guess - dollars? Monthly? Yearly? If yearly then what’s the monthly paycheck? Net? Gross?
Lol who would hear “I’m making 50k” and think it’s anything other than per year unless they just stepped out of a private jet…
I feel like this might be confusing only if you are under the age of 14 and have no idea how money or the world works…
Not in basically all of the English speaking world. USD, CAD, AUS, Pounds, Euros, NZD. 50k a month or week or whatever you for some reason think it might be other than a year would be an insane amount of money to make.
I bet you’re the kind of person that hates it when you ask the time and people respond by rounding it to the nearest 10 minutes…
I know people who make 50k per month and don’t have jets. I make 30k p/m but I’ll get there one day. It’s crazy how when I was broke making $20/hour in a cafe that I thought everyone or most people are broke but now I’m making modest money it’s crazy how many other entrepreneurs are in my circle now. Just wow.
I mean, you just basically answered your own question. People get paid hourly, weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, and some even per sale (ie. Realtors) so the only way to have a constant measurement is yearly.
Why not monthly? It seems the smallest unit to encompass them all, and is fairly standard.
Monthly makes sense also since most bills are monthly.
“I’m making 50k”. Great, now I have to guess - dollars? Monthly? Yearly? If yearly then what’s the monthly paycheck? Net? Gross?
Unless you just stepped of your alien spaceship and have never interacted with societal conventions before, these are all fairly consistent. If you’re in a country, you’re almost certainly getting paid in the local currency. Annual pay is typically listed for various reasons though tradition is a big one, your pay period will also be specified whether monthly, weekly, two weeks, or whatever, and it’s listed before taxes since the business has no clue what your personal income tax looks like.
And on the contrary, what makes sense about monthly that doesn’t about yearly? I don’t get paid monthly, and years to 2 week pay periods is far easier than months to 2 week pay periods.
Agree. What a weird thing for op to be upset about. I have never once in my many years on this planet had someone confuse an annual salary for a monthly one.
Annual pay is the standard if you work full time. It’s definitely not a rich person thing, it’s for taxes, total takehome, budgeting, you name it. In fact thinking about it, I think it’d be more work for me to figure out my budget if it was monthly.
AnD wHaTs ThE dEaL wItH aIrLiNe FoOd? Am I rIgHt?
Can’t speak for the US, but here in Germany there often aren’t 12 monthly salaries to a year. Many people get a Christmas bonus and/or a summer bonus, but just as many don’t. Personally, I get paid about 13 1/4 monthly salaries a year, so telling you my yearly salary would be more accurate than the monthly amount.