why the fuck would I post cringe shit like that? unironically you deserve to be jailed if you post shitty memes like ‘winnie the poo’
The CCP will not let you search for the answers to questions because that would lessen reliance on the state. It’s all perfectly logical.
Chrome being a shitty web browser and crashing only a few seconds after opening absolutely must be meddling of the see see pee.
does that guy not know that macs are made in china?
If you move to a country and post racist memes about their leader. You’re too stupid not to throw in a camp.
China has evil computer magic that checks every computer that enters the country for Freedom and makes the computer explode if the person using it loves freedom, killing them a million times. I know it is true because it happened to my dentist’s friend’s uncle’s sister-in-law.