If the Republican side won the civil war this guy would have been shot in the face by an Anarchist decades ago
Blame the German socdems, they prevented communist Germany, imagine Republican Spain with the backing of Communist Germany. Just imagine.
Imagine a Communist Germany, after having regained its industrial power, stretching out its hand to all the people who yearn to be free all throughout Europe.
In the end leading to a unified Communist Eurasia with the other two central powers: the Soviet Union and Maos China.
*Fascist-installed monarch
Guillotines don’t have to be used just on billionaires, they can also serve their original purpose
but europes fine right guys?? no problems in europe right??? only america has issues, haha silly americans with your corrupt elite…
Yes, so much this. After the 8 Obama years of our liberals not knowing what to do, now since Trump we’re back to proudly saying “haha look at the stupid Americans haha”
Edit: You think the US is bad, we just let the refugees drown in the Mediteranean, the US at least puts them in cages.
Europe is a shithole but the only way that is relevant to the US is as evidence of how useless electoralism is. Most countries in the EU already have multiple parties, proportional systems instead of FPTP, no gerrymandering, a limit to campaign spending etc, things that libs usually list as the solution to all the US political problems. Nope, you still get a capitalist hellhole even with all of those.