I’m flabbergasted. 617051 is a prime number. That means it cannot be the result of varying parts of a taco. The comic is illogical, and it’s hard to believe that this is just a coincidence.
That would have been accounted for in the first 3721 combinations. Your comment is illogical. You are irrational. You are hereby persona non grata on Vulcan. You will remain that way for the next 12.0934 years. I am Subcommander T’Plik of Vulcan, and if you wish to repeal your classification, direct it to Commander Sutok of the Department of Interplanetary Affairs.
An honorable death.
Now I need more comics like this from star trek !!! Very funny.
I am from all and even without understanding the context, this is great haha
A taco is approximately 6” long, 4” tall and 2” wide. That gives it a volume of ~48 cubic inches. With that many tacos, that gives about 200k cubic feet of taco. That’s a cube about 60 feet on a side. That’s a basketball court covered 43 feet deep. Assuming he’s in a room rather than a huge area, he’ll very quickly be buried alive in tacos. I’m sure he’ll die happy!
Google? The soft shell ones are pretty long too.