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Remembering when the CIA set up a fake humanitarian vaccine program in Pakistan to steal DNA from people to find bin Laden. They didn’t even actually fulfill the vaccine part, either.
It’s so goddamn hilariously cartoonish.
How much more would it have cost to ACTUALLY vaccinate people at the same fucking time lmao?
They hate Pakistan so much they can’t even bring themselves to do incidental good
There was probably some rationale where actually vaccinating people would have meant involving other departments or some shit and they didn’t want to risk blowing their op. Basically the evil is baked into the system, it’s not some cartoon villain. IMO this is so much worse than some evil cia director who’s goal it is to fuck up pakistan.
The fallout created an anti-vaxx movement and damage to real humanitarian programs there.
it’s the Index fund of takes. Vulgar anti-americanism makes you right 90% of the time, which far outperforms all the “nuanced” liberal perspectives.
Yeah this post would have had 3 comments before because everyone would be like “no shit…” and there’s nothing to be said
Name me a time when the US was intentionally and objectively good and don’t include times it was repairing damage it did. I’ll wait. Forever.
Hey, they entered WWII after they helped inspire, arm, and otherwise equip the Naz- wait.
Hey, they fought a Civil…War…against themselves…over slavery…
Hey, they…uh…killed a bunch of British soldiers in the 18th century?
I got nothing.
ed: LMAO I didn’t even see the lib below me actually post fucking WWII and Ukraine
Slava Ukraini bois I got Stephen Bandera tattooed on my nutsack isn’t he so cool
Fuck off
Emphasis on lend. The US made them pay it back and even after they destroyed the USSR, they still expected Russia to pick up the tab (and they did, they settled the debt in 2006)
Piracy that injures the United States government is objectively a good thing, sorry
Ah yes how could I forget a war that the US only joined years late and well after millions of people had already died. A war where the US setup their own concentration camps for Japanese Americans. A war where the US used nuclear bombs to obliterate civilians in an unprecedented way. SURELY that war the US was definitely the good guys there.
And then Ukraine, a war where the US is giving unlimited guns to literal Nazis and shoving civilians into an endless and completely unnecessary meat grinder. Yeah definitely the objective good guys in that conflict. Also the US was largely at fault for the conflict in the first place so even if they were objectively the good guys here it would be them cleaning up their mess. They aren’t though they’re making it worse.
There are a few literal Nazis on both sides. Ukraine doesn’t have any in the government or high command apparatus.
Why is the meat grinder unnecessary? Should Ukraine just give up it’s sovereignty and become part of Russia? If not, the war remains necessary.
Was WWII the US’s fault? No it wasn’t. Was it good they joined? Yes, you even agree since you think they joined to late. (And I agree they joined too let too) So that fits the qualifications of the first question.
lmao they put half the nazis back in power after the war and are now arming nazis in Ukraine
If thats the best you can find, then holy shit
You think West Germany was Nazi? I think they took a lot of the Nazis back for the space program.
D-Day happened not because of some altruistic desire to liberate France but because the remaining capitalist states saw that Germany was neither salvageable nor willing to work with them, and something need to be done to stop the Soviets from liberating all of continental Europe and building a socialist bloc with abundant year round naval ports in the open Atlantic.
Prior to the war Nazi Germany was chomping at the bit to destroy the Soviet Union, and the Soviets wanted to take a wrecking ball to Germany, both for the sake of destroying the political epicenter of European fascism, and so they could keep pushing the revolution westward and take the entirety of the continent.
The Western alliance with Poland was an attempt at managing this rivalry, so that they could try to force this nearly inevitable conflict to happen on their terms, not Germany nor Russia’s. The West must have seen that if Germany won this fight and had their pick of whatever they wanted in Eastern Europe, France would end up with a monstrous neighbor that occupied the entire rest of the European mainland, and although Communism would have been uprooted from Russia, Germany could easily use its newly acquired land/resources/industrial capacity to double back and take on France. The goal of destroying the Soviets is achieved, but the Fascist bloc becomes the dominant faction of the imperial core and the anglo-Liberal forces are forced to either submit or try to hold out as just the UK and US against the rest of the world.
Now, if Russia were to win this impending Russo-German war, there was no way in hell Stalin slows his roll after beating Germany and stops at the French border— France and possibly Franco’s Spain would be next, and where does this leave the West? Unlike a German victory, the anglo-Liberal faction of the imperial core is all that’s left and they are stuck with the entire European mainland controlled by communists, an outcome they’ll do anything to avoid. With the shipyard of Germany and France and access to the open Atlantic, they can threaten anglo naval superiority and even plan an invasion of the British isles— and unlike Hitler, who represents just another faction of capitalism, Stalin and the communists are far less likely to give the remaining Western countries the option to accept subservience if they lay down their arms.
So the West find themselves in a position where if they do nothing in this coming Russo-German war, they are screwed either way, and although a Nazi victory is preferable, they figure that through geopolitical fuckery they can get involved and alter the tides. If they side with the communists, which god knows the Western governments broadly speaking do not want to do, they can at least manage the fall of Germany, and hopefully negotiate a post-war European order where the Soviets do not have access to the open Atlantic (i.e., ports that aren’t in an inland sea or the hard to navigate Arctic). D-Day was of course an attempt at taking back territory in France but more importantly it was the first step toward securing a foothold in Germany and making sure that there was a mobilised, battle-hardened force waiting to meet the Soviets so that a hard limit could be put on their Western advance. I don’t mean to say that no one wanted France back under a French government, or that there weren’t people in the anglo military commands and governments who were genuinely disgusted by the Nazis and the crimes committed continent-wide during their occupations, but to the cold, realistic, realpolitiking minds of the people at the top like Eisenhower, the primary goal was setting up the board for the next fight— the Anglosphere versus the Soviet Union.
US General George Patton was adamant that if he was allowed to, he could have taken American troops to Prague and secured Czechia for the West in the post-war order well in advance of the Red Army’s arrival. He was promptly informed by Eisenhower that he would doing no such thing. The post-war order had already been negotiated behind the scenes, and through strategically supporting their mortal enemies against a foe that really wasn’t much different than themselves politically or economically, the intact West had made sure that they also held at least part of Central Europe, instead of either Germany or the Soviet Union controlling the entire continent. So D-Day wasn’t purely an anti-communist action, but was also crucial to the Western grand strategy of making sure the Soviets didn’t just keep steaming onward, and setting the stage for the Cold War in terms more favorable to the West.
based on comments by
While there are aspects of that narrative I agree with, I think there’s some pretty questionable claims as well.
Now, if Russia were to win this impending Russo-German war, there was no way in hell Stalin slows his roll after beating Germany and stops at the French border
What?? Even with support from the rest of the Allies, WWII was devastating for the Soviets, it required an extraordinary loss of life and resources to defeat the fascists. I’m not inclined to believe that Stalin would simply attack France out of nowhere in this timeline, and I certainly don’t agree that “there was no way in hell” they wouldn’t. What’s your reasoning or evidence for this idea?
So the West find themselves in a position where if they do nothing in this coming Russo-German war, they are screwed either way, and although a Nazi victory is preferable, they figure that through geopolitical fuckery they can get involved and alter the tides.
It’s quite a big brained move to try to alter the tides by siding with the larger threat lol.
I don’t think there’s reason or evidence to suggest that the West found German dominanation all that preferable to Soviet domination. Losing is losing, and while the fascists would preserve and extend the systems of capitalist exploitation, it likely wouldn’t be the same exploiters at the top. Germany posed a very real threat of dethroning and replacing the exploiters, which to the exploiters is just as bad as the system of exploitation being dismantled.
This narrative also neglects the Soviet perspectives of the time. The Soviets were more than happy to accept help from the Allies and if anything were critical of them not taking more territory faster. It was only once victory was a forgone conclusion that the rush to sieze land really kicked off. It’s also worth noting that the UK and France got involved before any fighting between Germany and the USSR broke out.
So D-Day wasn’t purely an anti-communist action
Wasn’t purely anti-communist?! It’s pretty absurd to imply that it was primarily anti-communist, the Soviets wanted D-Day to happen.
I find this whole narrative is very oversimplified, speculative, and not aligned with the actual history.
But even if it was self serving as well, was it good they joined the war?
Dumping shitloads of weapons into a proxy war does not make you the good guys.
But was it bad they joined? Even if it was self interested, it’s still a good thing.
China probably wouldn’t agree. The shit Japan was doing over there was even more inhumane than what the Nazis were doing in Europe.
That’s a bit disingenuine. If your only stance is “USA bad” you would side with the Axis in WWII, the motivation for the USA joining the Allies is irrelevant in that outcome. Sadly you have to actually think about geopolitics sometimes because they’re really fucking complicated. You’ll find that almost all nations are straight up bad and that the big distinguishing factor about the USA is not how bad it is, but about how much bad it’s able to project globally as a hegemon.
Not really. Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union before Pearl Harbor. The Soviet Union also had skirmishes with Fascist Japan and IJA warcrimes like the Rape of Nanjing already happened. It was pretty obvious which side was good. If anything, it shows the absolute moral bankruptcy of the US that chose to sit on the sidelines while their imperialist rivals killed and bombed each other, hoping to recreate WWI where the US became the first among equals because it was virtually unscathed by WWI. The real anti-US side would be to pick the nonfascist side during the 1930s when the fascists were invading Republican Spain and the Republic of China and not be “isolationist.”
you’ll know you have the correct opinions when libs start calling you a tankie online