i prefer the shaun’s take of zero days of celebration for biden’s victory
Gosh, yelling at the guy who won’t run for re-election for making bad Cabinet picks. That will be effective. Anyway, the defense is baked in - McConnell. He wouldn’t let anyone good get through the Senate confirmation, can’t criticize Biden for having seven Republicans.
The idea of pushing Biden to the left is actually enraging because it’s as much a refusal to deal with the real world as Q Anon or being a flat earther.
cabinet members don’t have any real power. they’re just ‘advisers.’ there’s nothing to stop him from giving them the ax the first day, except that he’s beholden to the rich and has no actual obligation or urge to represent the working class.
Cabinet-level positions are very legit management jobs. I’m not talking about Trump’s Cabinet staying on, I’m joking about who Biden nominates.
I say give the libs till January to be happy
I work service industry and I couldn’t believe how much tip $ I got today from jubilant normie libs. Let them have their binky I need this money
Yanis Called it. The working class will be totally deactivated while the YouTube left carries on with their muddled strategy. This is what happens when you follow the leftist book “What Isn’t to Be Done” By Ladmir Venin.
Ladmir Venin
Felix’s podcast This is Sus is about the influential communist state Soviet Susria