Or will he remain God Emperor forever?
IMO they’ll mourn the guy for a couple of weeks, be depressed, but once it sinks in there’ll be posts going around in which Trump does things that they see as weak, pathetic, or just not good enough. They’ll slowly realise that there’s no reason to keep following him specifically, he offers them nothing anymore. They’ll lose faith in him as an idol, abandon him, and move on to someone else who can realise their dreams.
Kind of like we did with Bernie around the start of this year.
Part of the Q group will continue to hold Trump up high though and continue to insist that Trump is god-emperor, clinging to the idea that the election was rigged and cheated against him. Q will continue to make increasingly deranged posts to keep them interested.
I’m pretty certain that this is how it will go. Screenshot this and let me know how it aged in, let’s say, 4 months. Right now, though, we’re waiting for them to overcome the first few stages of grief before they’ll start to move on to other idols.
Yeah, in my area of rural WI it’s pretty easy to tell who’s who. If you still have your yard signs and “Fuck Your Feelings” or “Make Liberals Cry Again” flags flying, you’re ride or die.
Vince McMahon will take his place
I would never abandon him 😢
My god please, please, PLEASE let their be a QAnon person in the 2024 Republican Primary. America needs this.