How is this shit not gonna kill any and all momentum?
once Kamala “Simulated Human-like Emotions” Harris is president the slightest criticism will get you screamed at as a sexist racist. they’re trying to do that a little bit now if you’re not excited by the representational victory of VICE fucking president, but once Biden’s replaced they’re going to do a huge collective orgasm about how a woman president will fix everything and the honeymoon period where you can’t criticize her will be interminable
criticize Dems for when they inevitably fuck up a response to BLM protests next summer; who’s being racist then?
criticizing President Harris’ decision to crack down on protestors is misogynistic, sweaty. stop trying to undermine strong women
Lol. I understand we’re doing a bit, but I think we’re dwelling too much on the Discourse when libruls are feeling extra smug. They’ll be knocked on their asses soon enough. Patience.
Because Biden will suck so hard he won’t end his term (luckly)