from 50K to 10K, at this rate you’re all getting a check for $2.50
5 dollar student loan discount for Pell grant recipients starting a small business in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
Over-hyped and under-delivered, it’s the perfect metaphor for liberal solutions to, well, anything.
Holy shit, I thought it was a bit this whole time.
paper is placed on the desk
“This just in, its now a partially complete Subway punch card from the late 90’s.”
Biden only ever said 10k, it’s not being negotiated down, Schumer is just pretending it was higher than it actually was so he looks good.
Who’s he negotiating against? No one but himself. He could cancel it with an executive order, but he’s still going to talk him self out of it because either he believes in some long-antiquated notion of bipartisan compromise, or he never actually supported it in the first place.
Either way, he is a fucking loser. This policy could actually help so many people, fuck.