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I really dislike how colombine worshipers took over the comments for a bunch of kmfdm songs.
When I was a teen I was on /b/ alot and read a fair bit of high score themed threads.
To me it comes down to the commodification of everything, from education to the very experience of high school. See how much media and advertising displays a set experience and when anyone deviates from that capitalistic societal pressure kicks in to force that outlier back or to perish. Combined with lack of mental health resources and the way in which low income households are stretched thin (intentionally) resulting in no in home support network you create perfect grounds for someone to beleive they will become infamous by their actions. Same thing as the conspiracy co opting the white worker rage
I see a lot through the lens of alienation. Sure they’re probably mentally ill too and one form of gun control I’m okay with is locking the things in a safe if you have kids, but the school shooters are radicalised by the failings of their environment and systems they live under. They’re radicalised by the far-right because they’re little big men without a sense of class consciousness to understand their alienation through. Without having any outlet to positively express their masculinity through or positive social network to participate in, terrorism is the path of least resistance to manifesting whatever toxic worldview they’re adopting.
Prior to that I think the most recent historical comparison would be something like how urban gangs were viewed in the decades prior. Forcing minorities into decaying ghettos was a more intensified version of that same alienation, and the resultant violence was people with nothing and no prospects trying to survive and control some little island of stability/social prestige. Cunts like Biden had that same empty reactionary hysteria over the issue with the only solutions offered being taking away their guns or taking away the shooters. Attempts to build a left-wing counterexample like the Black Panthers or Latin Kings were suppressed while the conditions creating the problem were intensified to serve the goals of state and capital.
What’s your take on the columbine school shooting?
Not good folks, not good.