872 on 15 boats, cumulative for 2023 20,973, to save you a click.
Guys. I’m not sure the barge is putting people off…
Just process the poor people and make them a part of society. What’s the problem? Bloody Tories!
Not sure it’s as simple as that. Proving ID etc, finding them somewhere to live when there are thousands on waiting lists, finding them suitable work, kids into schools that are already overcowded or the roof is falling in, healthcare from a system that’s broken, childcare. Then you have language issues. Our system just isn’t up to it.
You get more crossings when the weather is good. Sunak keeps trying to take credit for the boat crossing going down. The reality is that the weather is the biggest factor.
Back when the UK was part of the EU, this was not much of an issue. Isn’t that funny?