please president xi my country USA yearns for freedom
Edit: Holy shit that comment section is something else, huh?
Edit 2: “It stands to reason that the most arguably brutal and murderous regime on the planet should take a break from sterilising and killing Uighurs in the camps they’ve created. It’s vital that Beijing pronounce upon the moral failings of the U.S.” Edit 3: :agony-consuming:
if china killed all of their minorities and you used the black book of communism to count the people not born, it still falls short if the native genocide commited by the USA that they still continue to this day
How is there not even one single reasonable comment? And why do they all say the same things (I know why, but seriously, they have exactly 3 talking pointS: “hypocrisy”, “Uighur and Hong Kong”, and “is this a joke??111?”)
In the tweet I linked the Renato guy is a Zionist Bolsanaro/Trump supporting political scientist from Sao Paulo with a **U.S. Infantryman ** pic for his profile banner.
Just sayin’.
Try being Chinese. People say dumb shit like that to my face on the regular.
Thanks, comrade. If there’s one silver lining to all this, its that Asian diaspora groups are starting to be woken from their delusion of “keep your head down and don’t make any trouble and things will be alright.”
If the West doesn’t go full Asian internment, we might all benefit from a more cohesive and anti-racist Asian diaspora community. That said, this is just baby steps and there’s a looong way to go yet.
In Vancouver, Canada, hate crimes against East Asians have increased 878% compared to last year
Before I knew shit, I’d always see people trying to call out r/sino on reddit, and I never bothered to actually look into what it was, I just assumed they were the racsists, cause reddit has them all, and man ohhh man, finding out sino was actually cool and good made me feel like the biggest lib (still am, but did to too.)
That sub is a bit one sidedly positive at times, even for me, but its the very understandable product of a siege situation. Its one of the few places on Reddit where you can post something good or neutral about China and not be shouted down.
You could take their “CHINA SUCKS” rhetoric and replace the word “China” with whatever sports team they don’t like. Same mentality. These people are sportsing and decided China is the opposing team.
China publishes an annual report on the state of human rights in the US, the latest of which you can find here.
It’s pretty well researched and factually reliable in my experience, and sometimes they come up with examples of abuse that don’t get covered at all in Western media.
The way that China is so intimately familiar with the nuances of American politics and yet the U.S. government stumbles around drunk in relation to China tells you all you need to know.
The US Government is a product of America and Americans have become unable to view themselves in the wider context of the world. This also exists in western leftists spaces where leftists are perverts in the same way that satanists are to Christians. It’s still trapped in the American mind prison, but it’s just decided to take the side of ‘evil.’
some SALTY ASS WIGGERS in that comment section
I like how none of them even tries to deny the facts. They go straight to the “China bad” stuff.