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Time to use Lay on Hands.
The polymorphed succubus: (o_O;)
Depends. (Dunno if your DM plans to use them in your campaign, so spoilers?)
If the succubus was polymorphed by someone else using the polymorph spell or did so herself (not one of her default abilities), then yes. However, as far as I‘m aware, dispel magic doesn‘t affect a succubus‘ innate shapechanging trait.
Enough of boring rules-talk; Konsi‘s a smart (wise) goblin. She‘ll know that she just has to hug Maybe-Razira hard enough. If it‘s a shapechanger, they‘ll pop back into their true form under the force of the mighty squeeze.
Excited for the next part! Really looking forward to seeing your posts everyday. 😊
I would probably react as Konsi if someone came onto me like that. Skepticism. Lots of it.
Moonbeam to turn back non magic shape shifters?