If you grab a game like SC6 or MK11, don’t buy any DLC, hit me up and I’ll help grab that shit. The only things I can’t help with are Street Fighter 5 or DBFZ. But they suck anyways so who cares.
Guilty Gear: XX: Accent Core + R is worth it for the netcode. Same with Power Rangers and Skullgirls.
KoF: 2002: Ultimate Match also got a Netcode/GGPO update and apparently is good now. Gauro and KoF98 or '13: No, netcode sucks.
I should add that while (U)SF4, DBFZ, Guilty Gear: Xrd: Relevator (2), Granblue Fantasy, and Guilty Gear: Strive are worthwhile, their netcode (unless Strive and Xrd get retrofitted with GGPO) are atrocious and you’re really buying those for the single-player/local.
I think Under-Night In-Birth: Late[CL-R] is getting a GGPO patch, they’ve stated they know there is demand for it and are “looking into it” but nothing planned.
Melty Blood is alright, but it’s VERY outdated (it’s the latest version but the graphics are like pre-720p resolution, terrible netcode, etc).
Can’t say anything about Neitherrealm’s stuff, don’t care about those.
DOA5 is worthwhile-ish. 6 as well, but they both have terrible netcode and I think 6 doesn’t have lobbies. Nor does 6 have 5’s VirtuaFighter cameo characters.
SC6 is alright, but the netcode is horrible.
Tekken 7 got revamped netcode apparently, but I haven’t checked into that. The season pass system is as bad as Dragonball’s.
that looks great!
I just look like a fucking pervert playing SG but it really is good. I wanted to get some other people into fighting games (including myself to some extent) when I saw how well made it was, and how they got rid of a lot of Street Fighter’s bull shit, but the aesthetic prevented me from engaging in it.
I’ve been thinking about getting SC6 for awhile, but I know I’ll only end up making ridiculous fighters and not actually play the game.
ay fuck you buddy, sfv was amazing since arcade edish, yaint shit!!
no i don’t actually play it how did you know?
it is nice still, G is the best fg character ever
Any game that installs a goddamn rootkit can fuck off forever. And it’s still fundamentally the same “fish for crush counter convert into V-trigger” snore-fest it’s been since launch with gimped versions of fan favourites. Hopefully SF6 can turn the ship around now that Ono has been let go.