Now, he had been drinking, but he and my other friend had brought up the election and how they couldn’t believe it was close, and I tried to explain that being the not-Trump candidate, no matter how much you personally dislike Trump, didn’t move the needle enough for many people. You need to offer material change. Full disclosure, I voted Biden, im a lib too.
I haven’t been yelled at that much ever in my recent life, all because I said that for many people being “anti-racist”, whatever you mean by that, doesn’t matter when you’re struggling to pay your bills. Trump is lib Obama. You cannot have a rational discussion about him with people.
As your consolation, you get to say told-you-so every time Biden appoints a neoliberal or a neocon, ignores global warming, ignores BLM, refuses to help the millions whose life are destroyed in the economic crisis.
Libs have serious insecurity despite getting the exact government they asked for
What exactly did they think was the “election winner” here? Why do they think people are gonna vote for Biden?
allowing them to categorize biden as anti-racist is your first mistake.
Participating was my first mistake. Never again, it’s hours later and I’m still taken aback.
I mean, shutting it down and walking away is sometimes the best thing to do, but it’s usually best to keep arguing with them and be prepared with some arguments for each different lib bullshit line of reasoning they’ll go down. like, seriously with this one, letting them get away with claiming biden was anti-racist makes any further points harder to argue. but the whole thing is kinda irrelevant anyways since your argument could have stayed closer to the material benefit vs work argument for bringing in new voters that the bernie campaign was focusing on. (ie that we need to have promises with fully thought out policies that will materially benefit working people enough to make them feel like going through the considerable effort of getting time off to vote. ) but like, it also definitely helps to kinda soften them up on bernie first then get them with the whole DNC is corrupt and anti-progressive thing. and then you can work them further but you’ve gotta do it in stages.
So lib buddy is projecting and well aware of how shit Biden is and very insecure about it, check.