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can’t understand why nurses aren’t more militant.
thought covid would have sharpened the contradictions and made more apparent the disinterest managment have for…their lives.
It’s definitely more complicated than the regular strike. Any nurses I’ve known got out the minute they could, and worked agency or as sales reps. Mainly because of the conditions, the traditional hospital heirarchies. Heirachies where the Doctor’s Association or whatever (not an uncouth union) can negotiate a pay increase way above regional norms (and inflation) in the dark but the nurses union gets vilified in the media for wanting even lower relative increase.
Not gonna argue with this. Seems that they’re a little more reachable just because they work side by side with doctors, and the disparities in pay and conditions are so obvious.
This is true, I know someone who works at a hospital that told me a nurse in her dept is a huge Trump supporter who was afraid of getting her dog vaccinated because she thought it would give him autism.
Solidarity o7
I know at least anecdotally that there are rumors going around PA hospitals about wildcat strikes as well