And coal mines, and fracking sites, and…
We literally need another country to blow up capitalist industry.
Hey comrades, let’s exchange our names and addresses so that we can begin planning and carrying out acts of ecoterrorism!
The third world will never win aren’t we? We endured centuries of exploitation and humiliation under the western powers, then spend a few of decades defending our hard-earned freedom from the western powers, and now the environment is going to collapse; we the few resources and technological disadvantage we have the collapse will kill hundreds of millions of people while the west will only suffer a warmer weather and a new arctic trade route.
At this rate our only hope of salvation is a widespread revolution across the western world, using the expropriated resources to save as many people as possible. Or Yellowstone erupting and putting this hellworld out of its misery.
I think that’s the standard communist position on climate change TBH 😂
Capitalist societies are incapable of effectively confronting climate change and the Bourgeoisie won’t relinquish power without a fight.
The blackpilled take I’ve read thrown around here is that it’s too late, it was too late 20 years ago, collapse is inevitable, there is nothing we can do that will prevent the death of the vast majority of humanity and the best we can hope for is that the million or so survivors will be communists instead of the children of billionaires and their chosen slaves.
The blackpilled take I’ve read thrown around here is that it’s too late, it was too late 20 years ago, collapse is inevitable
That’s no reason to just sit around and wait for the corporations to kill us. But what can I, as an individual, do?
If you want to do something to help combat climate change, or accomplish large scale social change in general the first step is to stop acting as just an individual. Find a local org you like and join them, if there aren’t any orgs you like in your area, radicalise and organize your affinity group into a chapter of an org you do like.
I’m not so black pilled as to think climate change is going to kill most of humanity. I think an unimaginable number of people are going to suffer and die as a result of climate change and that life is going to look a lot different in 60 years to how it does now, but I think most of humanity will adapt and survive. I’m also of the opinion that the destruction caused by climate change and the ruling class’s direct culpability and infuriating indifference to the suffering of the majority of humanity will create revolutionary conditions the likes of which the world has never seen. The French, Russian, Chinese and Indian revolutions were all preceded by massive famines the ruling class were seen to be doing nothing about. The destruction and food insecurity climate change will cause in the next century is going to make them seem like nothing in comparison. It’s down to us to make sure the same can be said for humanities response.
Hi FBI. How you fellas doing? No, I don’t have any materials that could be used to make explosives in my house (that I know of).
Señor Xi por favor