um sweetie these are russians pretending to be neo-nazis to make ukraine look bad. They have a jewish president therefore they can’t be infested with nazis.
Juries only pardon white little pudgy treat boys like Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting unarmed protestors.
No, you’d be murdered by police long before reaching the courthouse
Roll a d20 to find out who!:
1-4 Local police
5-7 State police/patrolmen
8-9 Federal Marshals
10 The FBI
11-18 Some combination of the above
19-20 Some Kyle Rittenhouse esque vigilante who will be charged with 30 hours community service for murder
I rolled a 6, for what it’s worth
Jurry nullification is a thing and you can absolutely just let someone who killed a bunch of nazis walk free even if the rest of the jury is against you
The most surprising thing here is this being restricted as sensitive content on Musk’s twitter.
I think Trump increased arms being sent to Ukraine at the time. But, Trump hates losers so I’m pretty sure if he gets back into office he won’t be all in on the Zelensky train. He’ll drop Ukraine purely because he doesn’t want to be seen as picking a loser.
They chose “Goyim Defense League” deliberately so people wouldn’t take them seriously, didn’t they? Fuck these idiots.
It’s a dogwhistle to /pol/ and 4chan who unironically call each other “goy” to mock jewish people.