By this point they are willing to let the world burn rather than to bid goodbye and good riddance to the Ukronazis, accept their defeat, and admit that they wrong about Ukraine.
Slavoj… have you been eating out of the trash bin of ideology again?? slavoj shakes his head “no“ with a mouthful of garbage
“I love superior free western values. Russian patriots want to see their country invaded and balkanized. Yes i am a leftist, why you ask?”
-Zizek the nazi who supported the racist CIA separatist opposition in Yugoslavia (Slovenia) that broke up the country in the 90s
The other day on a reddit “communist” sub, on another post about zizek, the most upvoted comment was from a person claiming to be a serb, saying that the breakup of yugoslavia wasn’t caused by the US, but by “serbian fascists”, and they supported the breakup of yugoslavia along with zizek. Every time we debunked them, they just kept more loudly claiming that as a serb / former yugoslav, they knew more about the situation, and why balkanization was a good thing.
And lets not forget the show trials against Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and others. Milosevic was murdered by the EU nazis in prison, they didnt allow him medical treatment for his heart problems and he died of a heart attack. And the worst, even the fake tribunal had to admit he was innocent. That scum murdered an innocent man just for opposing US imperialism and neoliberalism.