Everyone here knows about people boycotting Chick-fil-a. They claim to have stopped donating to as many anti-LGBT groups somewhat recently but they could just lie about that, and that’s not exactly an improvement either way.
Then there’s Domino’s, which has a CEO that likes to donate to anti-abortion groups but I don’t know of any attempt to boycott them aside from just not liking their shitty pizza. Same thing with AT&T.
I just don’t know of any tangible results that have ever come from these kinds of things so I don’t really see much point in them.
They need to be large and persistent. Vegetarians boycotting meat has lead to a substantial increase in the availability of vegetarian and vegan specific food options; that’s taken literal decades of like, 5% of the population. A boycott’s never going to really push against capitalism (barring the general strike equivalent, where everybody just stops buying altogether), because you’re still buying things. States can boycott effectively; that’s what a sanction is.
Israel and its lobbyists are trying very hard to criminalize the BDS movement. They wouldn’t do that if they thought it was ineffectual.
I think about this kind of thing but I also can’t help but think of the time Trump threatened to sic the feds on Saturday Night Live for making fun of him. I don’t know if they’re worried that it’s effective or if they just demand total capitulation and anything less must be punished.
The first sounds like vulgar neoliberal economism. The second seems better supported, see “bedbug theory” for a sample of the thinking that keeps Israel taboo from Gentile criticism. It’s not very far at all from “if we let them criticize us on one thing, the murder trains will have already started rolling”.
I would never debase myself by consuming something as disgusting as Italian food.
okay its been a while and I still don’t get the meme about hating italians, can you explain?
I do like Italian food I just don’t really like delivery pizza. The best always comes from regular restaurants in my experience
Boycotts do work but you gotta know the audience for them. Like look at the Montgomery bus boycott which started with Rosa Parks, They only were really targeting one group of people, black bus riders in Montgomery Alabama, which were organized through churches and newspapers, If you’d want to boycott Dominos you’d have to target everyone who is a potential customer which is everyone. The boycott is to large to be done effectively. If you are local and can target local then they could work but otherwise they’re a waste.