Sorry to be nitpicky but the Lord of the Rings picture of an orc is actually an Uruk-hai and the picture of a goblin is an orc
I know you probably didn’t create it Stamets but I always think of ways to tweak these.
Better would be space goblin: romulan (since goblins were made from elves, space goblins are made from space elves), Space Hobbits: ferengi since they are mostly a nuisance but willing to carry something up a mountain for a good cause.
Yeah, not mine. Completely cede to all of your points, but what race would Wesley possibly be relegated to? Gnoll?
You remember that guy that gets flattened by the door in Bree? That’s Wesley.
I’ll always find it a little weird how pop culture settled on making Dwarves vaguely Scottish when their origin is as Nordic and Germanic mountain spirits.
This community is pure gold. This meme is amazing!
Are engineers a separate species?