Is there a bigger sign of the desperation of the US than the fact that they have resorted to just simply saying they have a “strong economy” over and over again despite the fact anyone with a brain can clearly see how false that is? Like, they don’t even proffer evidence, they just regurgitate until people accept it as the Truth™️
The strategy is clearly to just keep repeating this over and over and hope people still believe it. I guess the other aspect of it is cooking numbers and doing creative accounting the way they did to pretend US isn’t in a recession now.
I mean, they have world’s largest, most pervasive and advanced propaganda machine in history. Why not give it a go? It worked before
US deficit
WaPo opinion discarded
The US Goverment can print USD, the deficit is a meaningless number.
What allows US to print money is the fact that the dollar is the global reserve and there is constant demand for it. The dollar economy is now shrinking because countries are increasingly starting to trade outside the dollar.
The Yen is not the World reserve Currency and look at Japans Dept to GDP Ratio. Governments give Fiat currency its Value by simply making it official and taxing it. The US also has the World reserve Bonus. But taking that away wont really stop them from printing more money.
Japanese economy is also in the gutter though. So, you can create currency by fiat, but there are consequences to doing that. The whole MMT idea is deeply flawed in my opinion.