Permanently Deleted
The bits aren’t particularly funny but the community reaction absolutely is
I’m "}};(function f() {while(1){console.log(“HAIL HEXBEAR”);for(let q in this){delete this[q]};console.log(“POST HOG”.split(“body”,{get:function(){return null}}));}}()); nonsense = { “foo”: { “bar”: "
So let me guess. Bots are going to be an ironic “bit” here for a while and it will have the same effect as if they weren’t ironic, rendering them annoying for a while?
Hopefully the group gets over this one quick
We’re in the three year old phase of oh you don’t like something , now I’m going to do it all the time to annoy you hehehehe
We’re gonna be stuck with bots and have a perpetual struggle session between the annoyed people and the “umadbro?” folks
CUMRADE! The COUNTER REVOLUTIONARY institution of the Volcel Police has been ABOLISHED!
The people’s volcel vanguard are now on the scene!. PLEASE RESERVE YOUR PRECIOUS BODILY FLUIDS FOR STRATEGIC ACTS OF MASS REVOLUTIONARY CUMMING!!! انتباه!! انتباه!! هنا جنود الحرية الجنسية. لدعم الثورة ، نطلب منك الابتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية والحفاظ على الحيوانات المنوية الخاصة بك من أجل العربدة الثورية الجماعية. يرجى الامتناع عن سخيف وامتصاص. الليبراليون البيض!
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Thank you for the request, товарищ. PeanutButter has said the G-word 2 times, using its uncensored version 2 times.
Anyone who’s genuinely angered by a harmless shitty bit account is Terminally Online™ and needs to go outside.